
Di Maxwell

Di has four children and three step-children and is Nana to eleven grandchildren; most of her family live in the Far North. She holds a Post Graduate qualification in Sustainable Leadership and Sustainable Exchange (Alternative Economics). She is a retired district councillor and has worked in the fields of agriculture (beef farming), meat processing, publishing and journalism, and retail and service industries.

Ken Ross

Ken Ross is by training and inclination a ‘Human Ecologist’, with strong interests in how people live well in their places. Ken and his wife live in an evolving food forest on the outskirts of Kerikeri. When not tending trees and support system animals, Ken is a Community Development Advisor for the District Council.

David Maxwell

David was raised on a farm near Kaeo in a self-sufficient household; the love of nature flows through his veins.  He has spent a lot of time at sea and learned much from directly witnessing environmental problems around the world. He is a passionate supporter of, and extremely knowledgeable in the subject of Regenerative Agriculture.